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Torso vitiligo treatment technology Data: Author:admin Source:本站 Clicks:1392



Body clothing, skin is often rubbed, skin is often attacked by viruses and bacterial toxins, these factors can cause skin melanocytes to be stimulated or poisoned and damaged, so that melanocyte antigens are expressed on the surface of melanocytes, leading to The immune cells attack and die, resulting in white spots. The "Black and White Tongzhi" technology selects Chinese medicines and photons that initiate tyrosinase gene synthesis and activate tyrosinase activity, and solves the tyrosinase problem in quantity and quality.

Under the action of traditional Chinese medicine and photons, melanocytes in the basal layer of leukoplakia, melanocytes around the leukoplakia, and even melanocytes in the hair follicles aggregate to the leukoplakia, produce melanin under the action of tyrosinase, and move through melanin bodies. Cells are formed into the surrounding keratin to make the white spots complex.

First, the cause of vitiligo in the trunk

The pathogen of vitiligo in the trunk: the skin is often rubbed by clothes, jewelry, belts, etc., and is attacked by viruses and bacterial toxins. These factors can cause skin melanocytes to be stimulated and damaged, thereby causing melanocyte antigen expression. On the surface of melanocytes, it attacks the immune cells and dies, resulting in white spots.

Second, the principle of treatment of vitiligo in the trunk

The treatment of vitiligo in the trunk of Huahai Vitiligo Hospital has the traditional Chinese medicine and photon that initiate tyrosinase gene synthesis and activate tyrosinase activity, and solve the tyrosinase problem in quantity and quality. Under the action of traditional Chinese medicine and photons, melanocytes in the basal layer of leukoplakia, melanocytes around the leukoplakia, and even melanocytes in the hair follicles aggregate to the leukoplakia, produce melanin under the action of tyrosinase, and move through melanin bodies. Cells are formed into the surrounding keratin to make the white spots complex.

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