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Little full of solar terms, what are the health precautions?

Xiaoman is one of the twenty-four solar terms and the second solar term in summer. Xiaoman – the meaning is that the seeds of summer crops begin to fill, but they are not yet mature, but they are not full. Every year from May 20th to 22nd, when the sun reaches 60° of the Yellow River, it is Xiaoman.First, prevent cold catchesIn the small full season, the temperature has increased significantly, and most of China has entered the summer. At the same time as the temperature rises, the rain gradually increases. As the folks said: “Small and full, the river is full.” After the rain, the temperature will drop sharply, so pay attention to increase or decrease the clothes to prevent a cold.Second, pay attention to prevent "wet"It is hot and rainy in the small full season. In this environ

Huahai Vitiligo Hospital warmly celebrates 5•12 International Nurses Day

On May 11th, in order to welcome the arrival of the 108th International Nurses Day, Huahai Vitiligo Hospital held a series of activities such as symposiums and oaths to celebrate the festival for the majority of nursing workers in the hospital.

Mr. Long Ze, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Dejing Consulting, visited our institute for insp

On the afternoon of April 21st, China's famous integration authority and capital investor, Mr. Long Ze, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Dejing Consulting, visited Huahai Vitiligo Hospital for inspection and guidance.Mr. Longze is the executive vice president and secretary general of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce. The German Economics Consulting Group has more than 100 branches worldwide and more than 70,000 member companies. It has a great influence at home and abroad. It has been praised as a “startup tutor and leader” by the majority of member companies. 工作人员向龙泽老师一行介绍华海白癜风医院发展史。了解到我院创业25年来,治愈患者数十万,遍布全球120个国家的骄人业绩,龙泽老师为华海点赞。龙泽老师一行参观荣誉室。 龙泽老师一行参观我国白癜风行业符合GMP标准认证、规模最大的研发制剂楼。龙泽老师一行观看华海宣传片。Teacher Longze said that she will fu

“黑白同治”技术获国家推广 建国首例值得信赖

山东滨州华海白癜风医院“黑白同治”技术获得了国家权威的认可,这真是建国首例白癜风治疗的壮举。“黑白同治”技术作为滨州华海白癜风医院的卓越成果,通过生物学、遗传学、免疫学等多学科深入科学研究表明,该技术能激活酪氨酸酶活性,调节免疫系统,改善微循环,对白癜风有卓越的疗效。 “黑白同治”技术作为中国中医药科技开发交流中心科技成果推广,备受权威机构及专业人士的追捧与欢迎,值得荣幸的是,“黑白同治”新技术成果新闻发布会在北京人民大会堂成功举行。本次会议由中国中医药科技开发交流中心主办,中国民间中医医药研究开发协会协办,山东滨州华海白癜风医院承办。本次活动由国家科技部、卫生部、中医药管理局领导、专家及来宾200多人参加会议。 原全国政协副主席孙孚凌同志宣布“黑白同治”治疗白癜风新技术全国推广正式启动并发表讲话。在新闻发布会上,与会专家对“黑白同治”治疗白癜风新技术给予了充分的肯定。国家中医药管理局副局长吴刚表示:本次活动必将进一步推动中医药科研技术的应用,发挥中医药优势,更好的服务于社会。随着“黑白同治”治疗白癜风新技术全国推广,一定会将中医药治疗白癜风的优势发扬光大。他勉励华海白癜风医院坚持站在白癜风治疗一线,通过“黑白同治”治疗白癜风新技术,让更多的白癜风患者摆脱病魔的困扰,收获更加美好的明天。 白癜风不是可怕的疾病,患者一定要听从医生的建议,配合医生的治疗。“黑白同治”让更多患者重获自信,迎接曙光的到来。


美丽,是人类的先天追求。然而,这个世界上却存在着一种“毁容”性疾病,它使人体皮肤黑色素脱失,在皮肤表层呈现白色斑块,影响容貌。这种病常发于指背、腕、前臂、颜面、颈项周围等,严重损毁容貌,使患者精神压力巨大,内心极为痛苦,甚至因此备受歧视,严重影响与社会的相融。同时该病也长期困扰医学界科研和医疗人员,成为公认的世界性医学难题。它,就是白癜风。 据统计,全球约有6000多万人困扰于白癜风疾病,单是中国,便有1300多万患者,此病被称为“不死的癌症”,广大患者迫切盼望医学界能够研发出一种科学有效的治疗技术,彻底攻克白癜风。 中医药治癜核心技术滨州“创造”。“黑白同病、黑白同治”实现治癜理论颠覆性突破 白癜风属于皮肤科慢性病,西医治疗多用激素类药物,容易诱发药源性疾病,没有治疗优势,所以人们把攻克白癜风的希望寄托于中医。时势造英雄,因为耳闻目睹和痛心于白癜风的危害,1994年,著名中医药专家成爱华在山东滨州成立起专业白癜风科研机构,毅然向世界难题“白癜风”宣战。 专注是金。成爱华和她的科研团队,乘着中医药传统文化的巨轮,二十几年如一日艰辛探索,闯滩越险,继承创新,从5000年中医药文化中萃取精华,结合现代医学科技,发明创造了“黑白同病、黑白同治”治癜新理论,实现了治癜理论的巨大突破。通过一次次理论创新,无数次科学临床实践,代表着中国中医药治癜最高水平的“黑白同治”新技术终于诞生,正式登上了人类治疗白癜风的历史舞台。 该技术经过权威专家鉴定和患者临床验证,具有疗效好、治愈率高、无毒副作用等特点,临床疗效达到国内领先水平。2009年,国家中医药管理局在北京人民大会堂面向全国推广。2011年,华海白癜风医院被联合国机构确认为白癜风科研诊疗示范基地。2017年,被中国中医科学院确认为白癜风临床医院,正式成为我国中医药治疗白癜风行业的“国家队”。


多吃黑米对治疗白癜风有什么好处呢?黑米也被称为食物中的黑珍珠,可见价值非常高,黑米在食疗上对治疗白癜风是有一定功效的,这里所说的黑米可不是黑糯米,这完全是两种不同的米,大家可别弄混淆了。 黑米不但营养非常丰富,而且还能改善、缺铁性贫血与人体免疫力等等多种功能。黄酮类化合物是黑米中带有的一种物质,对人体的血管有极大的帮助,能防止血管破裂等等。其功效很多,包括抗菌与抑制肿瘤癌细胞生长。 看到到这里大家知道黑米是个好东西了吧,那黑米对白癜风有什么作用呢?上面有提到黑米能改善人体免疫调节的功能,所以吃黑米可以提高人体的免疫力,免疫力提高了对白癜风会起到积极的抑制作用,对辅助治疗白癜风的效果会更好。即使是孕妇患有白癜风也能食用黑米帮助自己提高人体免疫力。但是需要注意如果是用黑米煮粥又或者是做八宝粥什么的话,千万不可以加糖,糖对白癜风这病不好。 虽然黑米在食疗上对白癜风有帮助,但只能作为食疗辅助治疗,一定需要配合正规医院的治疗才行,只是光吃黑米是吃不好白癜风的。

Little full of solar terms, wh

Xiaoman is one of the twenty-four solar terms and the second solar term in summer. Xiaoman – the meaning is that the seeds of summer crops begin to fill, but they are not yet mature, but they are not full. Every year from May 20th to 22nd, when the sun reaches 60° of the Yellow River, it is Xiaoman.First, prevent cold catchesIn the small full season, the temperature has increased significantly, and most of China has entered the summer. At the same time as the temperature rises, the rain gradually increases. As the folks said: “Small and full, the river is full.” After the rain, the temperature will drop sharply, so pay attention to increase or decrease the clothes to prevent a cold.Second, pay attention to prevent "wet"It is hot and rainy in the small full season. In this environ

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